Delvaux Brand
Delvaux: The Leather Mastery
Luxferity, 11.07.2022

Delvaux continues to push the boundaries of its leatherworking expertise.
With almost 200 years of heritage and innovation, Delvaux continues to reinterpret two of its most representative bags with new leatherworking techniques that illustrate la Maison’s commitment to its ever-expanding savoir-faire and legacy in motion.
The new exceptional artisanship begins with the Leather D technique that offers a unique treatment on two of Delvaux’s most emblematic designs, the Brillant and the Pin. Challenging the limits of how leather can feel, look and breathe, water jet-cut leather panels are intertwined with hand-sewn, D-shaped, delicate tiles of leather that add unexpected flexibility, movement, and fluidity.
The immersion into la Maison’s savoir-faire continues with the Enlaced technique. Delvaux’s expert craftsman created a delicate length of leather ‘lace’ for each bag, wrapping it in a serpentine-like fashion around the signature D-shaped buckle of the Cool Box Mini, and the emblematic buckle and curved handle of the Brillant PM.
This collection comes to life with ‘L’Oeil de Koto Bolofo’, an exhilarating series of portraits of extraordinary women.
Steeped in effortless elegance, the new design’s perforated leather structure adds a fresh and playful chapter to the Pin family.La Maison Delvaux Swings Into Summer With The Pin Airess
Brand newsLa Maison Delvaux Swings Into Summer With The Pin Airess
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The South African-born photographer known for his exceptionally powerful imagery introduces three brilliant talents: model, performer, and actress, Lily McMenamy; premiere danseuse of the Ballet de l’Opéra de Paris, Hannah O’Neill; and, fashion model and activist Nyasha Matonhodze.
‘We are at a time when progress and modernity are really strong, and what Delvaux showed to me is that it could stand the test of time. So that’s why I said to myself, let’s bring this into a modern age, they’ll be modern anyways, because they will always be travelling with the modernity of time,’Koto Bolofo.
Founded in Brussels in 1829, Delvaux is the oldest luxury fine leather goods house in the world and has been active without interruption ever since. Delvaux is the inventor of the modern handbag, having filed the first-ever leather handbag patent in 1908.
Official purveyor to the Royal Court of Belgium since 1883, Delvaux has always shared and celebrated Belgian cultural references and values.
Among its archives of more than 3000 designs, Delvaux’s emblematic creations include The Brillant (1958), The Tempête (1967) and The Pin (1972), The Lingot (2022) all of which are hand-crafted in la Maison’s very own ateliers in Belgium and France.