Genny Brand
Genny Supports Fondazione Umberto Veronesi For Christmas 2022
Luxferity, 02.12.2022

Sara Cavazza Facchini, creative director of Genny, celebrates Christmas 2022 by supporting scientific research against female cancer. Always attentive to social issues, this year Sara Cavazza has decided to embrace Christmas supporting Fondazione Umberto Veronesi in the battle against female cancer.
For the occasion, the brand has confirmed the chef Renato Bosco, for a special artisan Panettone with chocolate and black cherry, which will be sold exclusively in the Genny Boutique and on and whose proceeds will be donated entirely to support the non-profit organization, which for years has been committed to funding excellent scientific research, especially in the field of women’s oncology.
"The desire to make a woman feel good in her skin. This is my first thought in creating Genny’s style. I am a woman and I feel naturally close to the female universe to which I address daily with my work. For this reason, on the occasion of Christmas, I wanted to support the Umberto Veronesi Foundation, which I have always admired for its continuous research in the fight against cancer. It’s fundamental to signal and sensitize women of all ages about the importance of prevention against female cancer" - Sara Cavazza Facchini.
"Since its birth, Fondazione Umberto Veronesi is committed to funding scientific research of excellence and the dissemination of a culture of prevention, in particular of oncological diseases affecting women, such as breast cancer, uterus and ovary. Thanks to Genny’s support we can continue our commitment to give concrete hope to patients today and tomorrow" - says Professor Paolo Veronesi, President of Fondazione Umberto Veronesi.