Alexander McQueen Brand
Unique Tailoring Tradition Of The House Of Alexander McQueen
Luxferity, 08.02.2021

The British tailoring tradition lies at the heart of the house of Alexander McQueen.
Each season it is reinvented – renewed. It forms an integral part of the conversation between McQueen men’s and women’s collections which continues to develop. For the new season, signature Prince of Wales check, grain de poudre and wool gabardine all feature, where possible drawing on stock fabric. The strong masculine shoulder typical of McQueen menswear appears on men’s but also women’s jackets; the nipped in waist that characterises McQueen womenswear also features for men. Women’s jackets have a single elongated lapel; men’s jackets have cutaway backs in an equally innovative subversion of typically male and female fashion tropes. Hybrid garments, again designed for men and women, include a classic beige cotton gabardine trench coat, spliced with Prince of Wales wool check.
Attention to cut and proportion is paramount: pattern-making forms the backbone of the house of Alexander McQueen. With both the Spring/Summer 2021 women’s pre-collection and the Spring/Summer 2021 men’s collection realised largely during lockdown, members of the design team sampled tailoring working from home.