Fortis Brand
Brand news
Your Vote Counts - Let's Claim Victory Together!
Brand newsWe’ve got some fantastic news: Fortis is proudly represented in not one, but two categories at this year’s WatchTime Awards 2024!
Join Us At Geneva Watch Days 2024!
Brand newsThe countdown is on for Geneva Watch Days 2024, and we’re thrilled to announce that we’ll be there! Join us in Room 603 at the prestigious Beau-Rivage Geneva.
Fortis Launches Its New AMADEE-24 Watch
Brand newsFortis launches the AMADEE-24 watch, a timepiece designed to endure the rigors of a Mars-like environment.
Fortis Presents Its New Novonaut Watch Collection - The Legend Is Back
Brand newsAfter three decades of setting the gold standard in space with the iconic B-42 Offi cial Cosmonauts, Fortis presents the Novonaut.